Data properties can be customized for various sections of the application to fit your firm’s practice area, operations, and workflows. For example, in the Users section, out-of-the-box, the field name Classification contains the following data labels:
- Lead Lawyer
- Other Lawyers
- Paralegal/Law Clerk
- Clerical Staff
If this list does not fit your organization’s employee classification, you can delete, edit, or add new data labels, such as “Accounting”, “Case Manager”, or literally anything that you want.
Out-of-the box, Admins and Super Admins have permissions to customize the data labels.
To access the Data Properties section of the application, select Data Properties from the Profile icon in the top right corner of any page, then select the tab with the section of the application that contains the field name you want to change.
The data labels for each field name are searchable and can be exported to Excel or CSV. Clicking on the green pencil unlocks the field for inline editing.
Matters Data Properties
- Court: The Court in which the matter is filed. If you have CalendarRules integration enabled, once you select the Court for the matter, you will need to select the appropriate CalendarRules jurisdiction in a separate field.
- Matter Type: This is the matter type based on the area of law or a different classification, or you may use a different matter classification, as you see fit
- Primary Office Handling: If your firm has multiple offices, Primary Office handling indicates which office is responsible for handling the matter.
- Matter Link: The type of connection between linked matters.
Data Properties
Events Data Properties
- Event Code: A short code indicating the type of event.
- Message Template: The application comes with a few preset templates that you can use when messaging people about a certain event. You can edit these templates or create your own.
Contacts Data Properties
- Connection Type: This indicates the type of connection of a contact to a matter.
Mail Log Data Properties
- Tag: Tags allow you to “attach” keywords to a mail item, or to an individual document attached to a mail item. Tags are searchable and have metadata associated with them that can be useful in third-party document storage applications.
- Mail Type: Mail type indicates the method by which a mail item was sent or received. It is important to know how a document was sent or received, as it may have an impact on the deadline calculations.
- Mail Log Distribution Settings: Two options are possible:
- Manual distribution: A user with permissions to distribute the mail has to click on the Distribute Mail button in order to notify the users assigned to receive mail about the new mail items received in their cases.
- Automatic distribution: Schedule an automatic distribution of the daily mail log
Timekeeping Data Properties
- Activity Type
- Project
Users Data Properties
- Classification. User classification is typically used to differentiate between the groups of timekeepers in a law firm. The standard out-of-the-box classifications in Clarra are:
- Lead Lawyer
- Other Lawyers
- Paralegals / Law Clerks
- Clerical Staff
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