Can I bulk edit events?

Written By Eugenia Gueorguieva (Administrator)

Updated at September 22nd, 2022

Yes, you can change the following attributes of multiple events at the same time:

  • Change status

  • Change matter only

  • Change matter and assigness

Bulk Edit can be accessed from the main Events page, as well as from a Matter’s Events tab.

To use the bulk edit feature:

  • Navigate to either the Events section (make sure you are in List View) or to the matter’s Events tab.

  • Check the box to the left of the events you want to change.  This will activate the Bulk Edit feature.

  • A dropdown field will be displayed:

  • Select the action that you want to apply to the selected events:

    • Change status - Done, In progress, Not Done, or Off Calendar

    • Change matter only - transfer the event to another matter without reassigning to the new matter’s assignees, i.e. the events’ assignees remain the same.  The new matter can be selected from a search input that will appear upon selecting this action.

    • Change matter and assignees - transfer to another matter and reassign to the new matter’s assignees, i.e. change the events’ matter, remove current assignees and add the new matter’s assignees to the selected events.  The new matter can be selected from a search input that will appear upon selecting this action.